
Sunday, 2024-05-05 - Aries

Your powers of perception increase the clarity and strength of your intellect. A clear vision of your future helps you pursue your goals, independently of any external influences. Step by step you turn your visions into reality. All this activity means you should be taking some exercise which helps you to keep in balance, physically and mentally.

Saturday, 2024-05-04 - Aries

Your ability to learn from experience means you are open to all kinds of stimulation with which to challenge yourself, not only intellectually but in a psychic sense as well. You want to have fun with your discoveries and stretch your intellectual capabilities. Your mental agility does not go unnoticed by the people who are important to you.

Friday, 2024-05-03 - Aries

You have many responsibilities to contend with, so don’t prevaricate any longer. Instead, devote yourself to any outstanding tasks you have been avoiding up until now. You discover you can successfully take on much more because there are people who you persuade to help you. In the process, you may make some new friends.

Thursday, 2024-05-02 - Aries

Your thoughts are clearer than usual, your mind is sharp and unlikely to be distracted by outside influences. You think about situations carefully, put them in perspective to get a clear picture of what you need to do to achieve your goals. Use this as the foundation and source of inspiration you need to make them happen.

Wednesday, 2024-05-01 - Aries

Make the most of your positive feelings; your mind is buzzing and full of amazing ideas. These ideas range from clandestine activities to a desire for self-improvement. Try at least to achieve something along those lines before you overload your thought processes. If you feel the need, take a break from all that thinking and scheming.

Tuesday, 2024-04-30 - Aries

Even though your thinking is clear, and you enjoy exploring new ideas which broaden your horizons. Be careful - too much information can hinder your ability to take it all in. Unexpected pressures may cause you to lack the necessary motivation, be unsettled and tense. Counteract this by relaxing, maybe by walking, meditating or doing sports.

Monday, 2024-04-29 - Aries

Making good use of your increased mental acuity, you can be effective at learning something new, or applying your abilities to devise any reorganization that’s required. You can also utilize your keenness to please others, enjoy yourself, and burn-off excess energy in ways you can share with the people you care about most.

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