
Saturday, 2024-07-27 - Pisces

Your outgoing and optimistic attitude makes you popular, you feel confident about meeting new people and striking up conversations. The impression you portray is of understanding and sympathy, and you may well encounter someone important - even the love of your life. You sort out any previous differences otherwise, you end up feeling needlessly upset.

Friday, 2024-07-26 - Pisces

A relaxed approach allows you to easily deal with any differences of opinion that occur, or resolve situations that are likely to test your patience. As circumstances improve, you’re able to turn your attention to more personal matters and spend some precious and rewarding time with friends and loved ones and consider your future options and outlook.

Thursday, 2024-07-25 - Pisces

Your feelings dominate your life, but this doesn't have to affect your relationships in a negative way. It’s far easier than usual for you to meet new people who appreciate your open and kind approach. Take time to monitor any fitness regime you have in place as your passion for recreational activity easily leads you to put far too much pressure on yourself.

Wednesday, 2024-07-24 - Pisces

Your feelings demand your attention, any lack of understanding of the reason behind this makes you fearful and you easily become confused by the upheaval this causes. Take the time to take a critical look at your emotional life and learn to accept yourself as you are. In doing this you become more comfortable with those you share your life with.

Tuesday, 2024-07-23 - Pisces

You’re more relaxed than usual, which is in part because life is running smoothly, and other people are particularly friendly towards you. It’s equally due to a healthy attitude that you have. Give more attention to your friends and try to develop new relationships. Importantly take advantage of opportunities when they arise.

Monday, 2024-07-22 - Pisces

Past tensions fade away and eventually disappear and with a new phase, there is a shift in the attitude you adopt or a rearrangement that brings considerable satisfaction - a sharing of responsibilities or far-reaching changes. It required a lot of energy and effort on your part to get this far, take some time off go to relax, go for a swim, it has a calming effect.

Sunday, 2024-07-21 - Pisces

You feel satisfied with progress even if others are unwilling to show appreciation for your effort, you’re still ready to provide help when required and the people closest to you offer their support. If you’re looking for a level of commitment, you face few restrictions and perhaps find somebody that’s able to enliven your romantic life permanently.

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