
Sunday, 2024-05-19 - Taurus

Your ability to learn from experience means you are open to all kinds of stimulation with which to challenge yourself, not only intellectually but in a psychic sense as well. You want to have fun with your discoveries and stretch your intellectual capabilities. Your mental agility does not go unnoticed by the people who are important to you.

Saturday, 2024-05-18 - Taurus

You have many responsibilities to contend with, so don’t prevaricate any longer. Instead, devote yourself to any outstanding tasks you have been avoiding up until now. You discover you can successfully take on much more because there are people who you persuade to help you. In the process, you may make some new friends.

Friday, 2024-05-17 - Taurus

Others are surprised, you’re making such an effort to be friendly and as a result you receive much more recognition than usual, almost everything you do appears to be popular with the people you know. You continually manage to impress and do what others reckon to be the right thing and are warm hearted towards everybody you encounter.

Thursday, 2024-05-16 - Taurus

You feel an irresistible attraction to all things beautiful. Perhaps you’re inspired and reveal imaginative qualities in yourself that you’re able to make a reality or you happen to meet person you find attractive who takes your breath away. Dare to look behind the facade for flaws, flawed beauty is often true beauty but you have to look deeply to discover it.

Wednesday, 2024-05-15 - Taurus

Your readiness to talk strengthens your relationships, helping to cement and develop the interaction you enjoy between you. Enjoying chats with colleagues is a good thing just if you don't neglect tasks you have and fall out with the wrong people. Use your time constructively; keep on good terms with the people who are important to you.

Tuesday, 2024-05-14 - Taurus

You are remarkably relaxed and physically fit, make sure this good feeling continues to last. While your diplomacy prevails, put some effort into clearing up any prior misunderstandings, whether at home or work. Don’t hold back; you are quite capable of interceding in other people’s arguments if you want to help resolve their issues too.

Monday, 2024-05-13 - Taurus

Your charm and spontaneity mean you win people over easily, and they’re eager to spend time with you, making you a welcome guest for all who know you. It would not hurt for you to pay some attention to the less prepossessing or eye-catching people around you too, you may discover that they’re more interesting and have something worthwhile to say.

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