
Saturday, 2024-07-27 - Taurus

You concentrate on several things at once, planning your working day and making progress in the way you direct your energy towards a single goal. This gives you the stamina and perseverance you need to get things underway. Try to win other people over - by doing so you reach your goal even more quickly. Those around you are impressed by your effort.

Friday, 2024-07-26 - Taurus

A positive new approach and hard work enables you to introduce new ideas to your working environment which others see as a positive improvement. In your personal life, there’s an opportunity to have delicate and difficult talks. Restraint you show and understanding of human nature allows you to be effective and confident about revealing your true emotions.

Thursday, 2024-07-25 - Taurus

Any pressure you previously felt ebbs away, leaving you feeling able to make constructive plans for the future. Having first discovered what caused you so much consternation in the past you make sure it can never happen again. You define what is important for you to maintain a relationship, the type of person you ideally want to be close to.

Wednesday, 2024-07-24 - Taurus

The hectic pace of recent events slows down and provides you with a good opportunity to improve your relationships. Your relaxed manner makes you popular, and potential partners react positively towards you. Physically you feel even stronger and can take part in new recreational activities and importantly spend time with like-minded people.

Tuesday, 2024-07-23 - Taurus

You reach a highpoint that enables you to recognize connections and understand things you previously found difficult to resolve. This can feel stressful, often undesirable, or else you can make positive use of events, by bringing yourself a step nearer your goals. In any case, physical action helps calm your mind.

Monday, 2024-07-22 - Taurus

You’re readily able to express how you feel, any shared responsibilities, activities or agreements with others are a lot easier to make. The composure you show is noticed and picked up on by everyone. You encounter problems only when you are fearful of your feelings and unable to express them, try to accept the way you feel before denying they exist.

Sunday, 2024-07-21 - Taurus

You take notice of your instincts and finally come to a decision you have avoided up until now. Paying attention to your true feelings you intuitively do what you know you must do, to pursue your ideas. Your vitality provides a perfect platform for new plans and helps you make maximum use of your abilities.

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